Gluten Free Pasta Made Easy

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Gluten Free Pasta can be an easy and enjoyable transition regarding your cravings for Italian cuisine. You don't have to eliminate pasta from your diet because you have Celiac Disease as many may have been led to believe. There are now numerous gluten free pasta recipes available to satisfy your cravings for pasta meals. Some of the basic different characteristics of gluten free pastas are listed below. With a little experimentation, you can prepare a delicious mouthwatering gluten free pasta meal that you will truly love.

Wheat Free and Gluten Free Pasta Alternatives:

One of the first things people who are diagnosed with celiac disease or a wheat allergy are often asked is, "You can't eat pasta?!" These days, actually, you can -- just not the same pasta you've gotten used to eating. Wheat and gluten free pasta is widely available and pretty easy to use. Read on to learn all you need to know about buying and cooking wheat and gluten free pasta.

The Basics of Gluten Free Labeling:

One tricky aspect of buying gluten free pasta is that there aren't rules for labeling gluten free products in the United States (although there is currently pressure on the FDA by the gluten free community to create a standard). Pastas made without wheat may have been manufactured alongside wheat or gluten-containing ingredients, although most companies who label products gluten free are aware of cross-contamination issues. For safety, look for pastas that have been made in dedicated plants or that have been ELISA-tested to be free of gluten contamination. You can also call the product's customer service department and ask about their manufacturing practices.

What to Expect from Gluten Free Pasta:

Homemade Gluten Free Pasta
In general, gluten free pasta is fairly similar to wheat-containing pasta in texture, especially when hot. You can use any gluten free pasta interchangeably with wheat pasta in recipes with the exception of no-boil lasagna recipes; I have yet to find a gluten free pasta that will work in a lasagna recipe without preboiling.

Rice Pasta:

Among the most common and popular gluten free pastas are rice pastas. Tinkyada, Lundberg, Notta Pasta, Pastariso, and Trader Joe's are among the brand names of rice pasta you may find. Rice pasta may be gummy if overcooked, but has a neutral flavor that goes well with sauce. It's also available in a greater variety of shapes than some other grains.

Corn and Corn-Blend Pasta:

Mrs. Leeper's, Glutano, and DeBoles make widely available corn pastas. Corn pastas become tough rapidly when cool and do not reheat well, but are a very good substitute for wheat pasta when first cooked, being relatively high in protein and fairly neutral in taste. Ancient Harvest makes a corn pasta blended with nutritious quinoa that is available in many supermarkets; this pasta has many of the texture properties of corn pasta.

Potato-Blend Pastas:

Pastato and Bionaturae make pastas that are blends of several grains, including potatoes. These pastas are a bit lighter and chewier than rice or corn pastas. So if you prefer your pastas on the al dente side, these may not be to your liking. They are nice for dishes like macaroni and cheese, where you want sauce to penetrate into shapes like penne or elbows.

To find out more about Celiac Disease, Click Here! 

Gluten Free Food Review- DePuma's Gluten-Free Pasta